Discover the Excitement of Beslepark's Playful Universe
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You Imagine, We Create
Offering a mix of vibrant colors, textures, and designs that cater not only to aesthetics but also to safety.
Custom-choice non-toxic, eco-friendly materials aligning with the unique indoor playground theme.
Targeted Customers
Our play areas are mostly categorized into two parts:
Our primary focus is the former. しかし, we value diversity and are always ready to design play areas that can cater specifically to different age groups based on our clients’ requirements.
Measuring the safety standards, our indoor soft play areas have a standard floor height of 1.4m-1.7m per layer and a minimum height of at least 2.8m.
Themed Playgrounds
We thrive on offering a plethora of themed concepts playgrounds tailored perfectly to complement your vision. Perfect for kiddos with a wild heart and a vibrant imagination!
If you need, we also provide market-ready themes, like:
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